Cartooning Like You Mean It

Cartooning, Teaching & Living – by Tom Hart

Gainesville Round-Up

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Leela and I decided to skip out on NYC and spent the holidays in lush, green, froggy, moist Gainesville, Florida. I’ve been meaning to post these for a while.

1. The moss.

2. The gators. Went to one sinkhole where we saw a good dozen or so. We (Leela, her brother and I) we sure they were LOGS until a crazed drunk naturalist came and pointed to them all, conjuring or animating them through his bony fingers, suddenly they were ALL ALLIGATORS. Tons of them!

3. The GREAT PUBLIX design! Publix, the grocery store chain down there must have hired some hot shot designers, cause the packaging on their generic products (beans, aspirin, garbage bags, juice, you get it…) are minimal and lovely. A simple color band- from a jeweled pallet with a touch of gray in it- on top, bisected by a simple black circle publix logo. Then, usually, a nicely styled and photographed shot of the product. The beans, whatever.

Sometimes, the images are playful- the trash bags have dogs on them, peering into the bins. And sometimes they are illustrated, as on the tampons. These products are so lovely. I walked around publix giddy about the stuff I might see around the next corner.
Walt Kelly “museum” at Okefenokee Swamp.

Written by hutchowen

February 2, 2008 at 4:52 am

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    August 18, 2008 at 7:51 pm

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